Australian Embassy

Direct Aid Program

Australia is pleased to support Mongolian organisations and communities to contribute to development, reduce poverty and promote people to people links between Australia and Mongolia through the Direct Aid Program (DAP).

DAP is an annual competitive flexible small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget.

Since 2003 DAP has assisted over 100 Mongolian organisations to implement more than 130 projects across a broad spectrum of social and economic sectors, including poverty reduction, health, agriculture, youth empowerment, gender and disability inclusiveness and other social and economic issues important to national and subnational development.

General DAP Guidelines can be found here

Applications sought for grants under the Mongolia Direct Aid Program 2024-25

The Australian Embassy is inviting interested organisations to submit applications for grants under the Direct Aid Program (DAP).

DAP is a small grants program funded from Australia's aid budget. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia's national interest.

In 2024-25, the Mongolia DAP will aim to fund projects that support the Australian Government’s international policy objectives in Mongolia and will consider funding a range of sectors – with the following as priority: 

  • Agriculture – focusing on horticulture, rangeland, livestock and livelihoods,
  • Climate Change – focusing on environmental protection, disaster prevention and response, measures to adapt and build resilience to climate impacts, and addressing climate risks,
  • Education/youth – focusing on access to education for rural and marginalised adults and children, children with special needs, promotion of education opportunities and social inclusion, research and scientific studies, and youth empowerment,
  • GEDSI – focusing on gender equality, disability equity, social inclusion, and protection of women, children and the most disadvantaged,
  • Health/hygiene – focusing on prevention and management of the spread of disease and mental illness, rural and community health and wellbeing, and access to water, and medical and hygiene services,
  • Human Rights – focusing on rights of children, people with disability, and LGBTQI+ community, freedom of opinion and expression, privacy and personal security, recognition and respect of human dignity, elimination of discrimination, and access to health, education and social services.


Applications will be considered from not-for-profit organisations including local and international non-governmental organisations, national and local government agencies, and public educational organisations. All applications must demonstrate that they are not-for-profit. Applications from individuals will not be considered.

Microcredit schemes, purchase of land and vehicles, recurrent costs including staff salary and non-related administrative expenses, commercial ventures and activities with direct support from government (noting exceptions above) are not eligible.

Proposal budgets cannot exceed a maximum of AUD 30,000 and cannot exceed one year duration.

How to apply:

Applications in English-language must be submitted by 23:00 on 07 July 2024 by completing online application through the following link:

For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact us at [email protected] and quote your submission number.

The Embassy will contact successful applicants only. DAP results will be available on the Embassy website following completion of the selection process.

Projects selected in 2022-2023

Thank you to all who applied for 2022-2023 Direct Aid Program Funding support. We received 207 applications in total and have selected the following thirteen applications. It was very challenging for us to select the list for funding out of highly competitive  proposals. We thank organisations that argued passionately for their projects but who were unsuccessful this time.  

Congratulations to the thirteen organisations that have received grants for 2022-2023 Direct Aid Program. These organisations come from a wide range of sectors (health, disability inclusiveness, environment, gender and human rights, disaster management) and regions (Ulaanbaatar, Bulgan, Govi Altai, Sukhbaatar and Bayankhongor).

The successful applicants are listed below:

1. National Center for Maternal and Child Health: Enhancing pediatric care through training by physicians tailored education program of Australia

2. Save the Children Japan, Mongolia Office: Strengthening capacity of pediatric trauma care and child first aid responses in rural areas

3. National Institute for Disaster Management: Integrated data collection middle ware system in disaster management

4. Red Cross Branch of Govi-Altai: Providing shelter for victims of violence

5.Little Scientist NGO:  Capacity building for teachers and trainers to assist children with special needs

6.Bayankhongor Governor’s Office: Medical health care services to herders in Bayankhongor province

7. We are Smart Community: Responsive Arkhangai

8. Christina Nobel Children’s Foundation: Empowering youth with knowledge and information about sexual and reproductive health

9. National Center Against Violence: Friendly kit

10. Tugs Tsetseikhen: Green future

11. Mongolian Blind Football Federation: Improve social awareness of blind football and its existence

12. Business Development Center of Uvurkhangai Province: Sustainable labour support income and job generation in Uvurkhangai province

13. Bulgan Manlailal: Increased local awareness to prevent sexual abuse of girls and protect children in Bulgan province

Projects selected in 2021-2022

Thank you to all who applied for funding support under DFAT’s 2021-2022 Direct Aid Program.  We received 111 highly competitive applications in total and have selected the following ten for funding in this round. We thank all of the organisations that argued passionately for their projects but who were unsuccessful this time and urge you to consider applying again in the future. Our congratulations to the successful applicants.

1. Establishment of Voluntary Firefighting Groups in the Soums of Dornod and Sukhbaatar Provinces by the National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia

The project will establish voluntary fire prevention teams in selected soums in Dornod and Sukhbaatar provinces to improve fire prevention and management capacity.

2. Strengthening Surgical Care through Capacity Building in Sukhbaatar Province by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care at MNUMS

The project will improve laparoscopic surgical skills of local doctors in Sukhbaatar province through hands on training, supply of medical facilities and mentorship program for doctors.

3.Khakhorum Sheep Shearing and Job Creation by the Family Agricultural Resources Mongolia and Share Mongolia

The project will help 50 low-income rural youth to access training in sheep shearing with electric machines and sorting wool to improve employment and income generation opportunities.

4. KodeUp Nomads by the Solution for Social Equality

The project will train non-ICT student graduates in ger district areas in Ulaanbaatar in IT and coding skills to have better employment opportunities.

5. Empowering Young Adults in Bayanzurkh District to Take Environmental Action through the Junior Ranger Program at the National Garden Park

The project will educate and empower young people in the district to participate in a junior ranger program within and outside the national garden park.

6. Increase the Computer Based Usage and Giving the Peer Counselling Services to People with Disability by the Universal Progress Independent Living Center

The project will help people with disabilities gain computer-based skills to increase their employment opportunities.

7. Inclusion of Blind Youth through the Blind Football by the Mongolian Blind Football Federation 

The project will empower visually impaired and blind children and youth through engagement in blind football in Mongolia.

8. I CAN CONTRIBUTE: Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Dalanzadgad by Woman Entrepreneur Mentors Club

The project will provide mentoring and public awareness campaigns for people with disabilities to promote their employment opportunities.

9. Helping Teenagers from Vulnerable Communities to Build Self-Confidence by the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation Mongolia

The project will improve soft skills among target children to support their competitiveness in labour markets.

10. Think Before You Share-Combating Cyber-bullying

The project will raise awareness and educate youth on cyber bullying through development of a website and campaign activities.



Projects selected in 2020-2021

Ten organisations will receive grants from Australia’s Direct Aid Program (DAP).  These successful applicants represent a wide range of organisations focusing on health and emergency services, human rights and youth development.

“Our annual direct aid program works with Mongolian organisations and civil society on practical projects to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable, inclusive development”, said Ambassador Dave Vosen.

We recognise that many organisations provide essential services across the community. We’re pleased to support ten organisations this year.

The successful ten organisations will implement the following activities: 

1. “Reducing Risk of Forest Fires in Bulgan Province” – The Emergency Management Agency of Bulgan Province

The Emergency Management Agency of Bulgan Province will strengthen volunteer firefighting units in 16 soums in Bulgan province through trainings and procurement of safety clothes and tools. The project will help increasing disaster preparedness and responsiveness in the province, rich in agricultural and tourism resources but high in risk to forest and steppe fires.

2. “Bankhar Portable Art Therapy for Children” – The Mongolian Professional Art Therapy Association

The Mongolian Professional Art Therapy Association will empower and develop children through innovative art approaches and tools.  The project will promote children’s self-awareness and confidence that will help building mutually positive relations with parents, kindergartens and other direct communicators.

3.“My Sacred Personal Space” – The National Centre Against Violence

The National Centre Against Violence will work to raise youth awareness of domestic (DV) and gender-based violence (GBV) and continue providing comprehensive services to children and women, victims of DV and GBV.

4. “WHO Collaborating Centre for Emergency Essential Surgical Care” – Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

The Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences will continue increasing the access of professional emergency service and surgical services in rural areas through trainings and procurement. The project will help rural population access to the services without the need to travel to the capital city for surgeries and emergency care.

5. “Literature Books for Children with Disability” – Joint Pen of Mongolian Writers

Joint Pen of Mongolian Writers will work to increase availability and quality of literature book for children with special needs across the country. The project will help in a filling in a large gap in opportunities for children to enjoy a range of books for their self-development.

6. “Economic Empowerment of Gender Based Violence Victims” – The Women Entrepreneur Mentors Club

The project will provide handcraft trainings for women and girls, victims of gender based and domestic violence to enable them to develop their own business and income generation opportunities.

7. “Empowering Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth to participate in Sustainable Development Mongolia” - The Mongol Ecology Centre

The Mongol Ecology Centre will implement their project aimed at empowering children with special needs in the sustainable development of Mongolia. The project will support children from schools for children with special needs engaging in training and campaigns on ecology and conservation and sustainable development and planning.

8. “Mongolian Health Performance Framework and Reporting Platform” - The Health Development Centre, Transparency International Mongolia and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

The Health Development Centre jointly with Transparency International Mongolia and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare will develop an implementation plan for a Mongolian Health Performance Framework and reporting platform. The project will contribute to informed decision making in health sector by integrating health data and indicators that are accessible and consistent. Australia’s best experience and technical expertise will be provided under the project.

9. “Establish Community Level in Cancer Screening and Strengthening Call-Recall System” – National Cancer Centre of Mongolia

The National Cancer Centre of Mongolia will continue its project “Establish Community Level in Cancer Screening and Strengthening Call-Recall System” to continue improving cancer screening and recall system through efficient methods and tools and involvement of voluntary workers to help in screening and support to public.

10. “Protecting Vulnerable Women and Children and Improving their Education and Social Relations” – AFIM Mongolia

AFIM Mongolia will socially empower and enhance low income mothers with children through trainings and awareness raising activities.  


Projects selected in 2019-2020

Nine organisations will receive Direct Aid Program Funding for FY 2019-20

Thank you for all who have applied for funding support of 2019-2020 Direct Aid Program Funding support.  We have received 111 applications in total. It has been highly competitive, and we thank all of those that argued passionately for their projects. Our congratulations to the successful applicants. They are listed below:

1. Integration and rehabilitation of children with disabilities through sports by the Mongolian Para Boccia Federation

The project will empower children with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy across the country through regional awareness raising activities, participation in national competitions and tournaments and in-country training workshops on Boccia sports.  The project activities will reach an estimated 5241 children from Ulaanbaatar and the provinces. 

2. Economic empowerment of women through green use promotion by Special Centre for Social Protection under City Mayor Office

The project will help extremely poor and homeless women and men in Ulaanbaatar to earn income. The Special Centre for Social Protection will organise skills training to produce and sell cotton bags to replace plastic bags as a part of Mongolia’s policy to promote ecofriendly production and consumption. 

3. Improving the Livelihood of the Rural Vulnerable Families through Developing Hydroponic Advanced Technology by Bridge of Health Development NGO

The project will help rural households in Batsumber Soum, Tuv Province to increase income opportunities through piloting a fodder greenhouse farm with advanced hydroponic technology and advocating for using the technology across the soum and nearby areas. 

4. Sergelt Mobile Drop-in Centre by Good Neighbour Society

The project will help support homeless and people facing addiction in Ulaanbaatar to access recovery and rehabilitation, social reintegration programs. 

5. Strengthening Call-Recall System of Cancer Screening

The project will help the National Cancer Centre improve its screening and register system to enable patients access to services faster and improve monitoring of their condition. 

6. Sewing Up Mongolia by Family Agricultural Resources Mongolia

The project will support poor rural women in Uvurkhangai Province to generate job and income opportunities through engaging in an eco-business. They will set up a small scale sewing business to make finished products from recycled waste. The project will also support them to market and sell their eco products. 

7. Protection Service in Bulgan soum, Bulgan province

The project will help the province to effectively protect and prevent domestic violence in Bulgan Soum by providing awareness raising activities and training, and establishing a shelter for victims of domestic violence, women and children.

8. Vocational Training Space for Boys in Prison by Christina Noble Children Foundation

The project will help children in prison and provide social integration through access to an improved vocational skills learning environment and training courses. 

9. Strengthening Acute Medical Care through Capacity Building in Tsogtstsetsii intersoum hospital and RDTC in Dalanzadgad by MDG 1 Collaborating Centre for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care at MNUMS

The project will help improve the skills and quality of health services at the soums in Umnugovi province through ‘on the job’ place training and medical instrument supplies. The best doctors from Ulaanbaatar will visit the soum hospitals to perform surgery and train local doctors and nurses and provide medical guidelines and handbooks.


Projects selected in 2018-19

Eight organisations received Direct Aid Program Funding for FY 2018-19

  1. The National Emergency Management Agency will i) establish volunteer firefighting groups in the soums of  Selenge and Khentii provinces and provide training and tools and equipment; ii) develop policy framework to facilitate and regulate the work of voluntary firefighters;  and iii) foster cooperation among government, non-government and voluntary groups in effective fire management. 
  2. MDG-1, Collaborating Centre on Emergency, Essential Surgical Care at the National University of Medical Sciences will train local doctors and nurses of Khanbogd InterSoum Hospital, Umnugovi Province through on the job training and joint operations in essential surgical, trauma and obstetric cases. The project is a component of the Australian Embassy, Government, UN and Oyu Tolgoi’s Integrated Support Program for Health of People in Umnugovi.
  3. A project by the Department of Health of Umnugovi Province aims to improve access and quality of mobile primary health services to all residents in Khanbogd and Khurmen soums.  Ultrasound imaging, electrocardiography, blood pressure monitor and rapid tests will be made to screen common diseases and maternal and child health. This project also forms a component of the aforementioned Integrated Support Program for Health of People in Umnugovi.
  4. The Mongolian Gender Equality Centre will train social workers, health professionals and police officers in Orkhon and Selenge provinces to assist a coordinated fight against gender-based violence and deliver comprehensive assistance to victims of the crimes.
  5. The Central Hospital of Khuvsgul Province will implement a project to reduce the incidence of child burns through increasing awareness of parents and public. The campaign will seek to prevent and protect children from burning and increase access and quality of emergency health services for children with burns through training for doctors and nurses.
  6. As a result of implementation of the project 2200 residents of the Durvuljin soum in Zavkhan province will no longer need to travel to the provincial centre or the capital city for basis medical analysis.  The hospital in the soum will be able to provide general blood and urine analysis and neonatal bed for infants. 
  7. The LGBTI Centre will implement comprehensive advocacy campaigns to raise public awareness of human rights issues. The aim of the campaign is to end discrimination against minorities based on sexual preference.
  8. Noyon Sports Club will establish specialised volleyball courses at six secondary schools in Ulaanbaatar where 120 children with disability and from disadvantaged families can learn and play volleyball. The club will train 18 teachers in tools and approaches for working with children with special needs.


Direct Aid Program (DAP) 2017-18

Thank you to all applicants for their time in preparing submissions for the 2017 Direct Aid Program. We received a record number of email submissions and the competition for the small number of available grants was very high. The applications selected for funding are below.


Feedback to unsuccessful applicants

Feedback from the selection committee to help applicants improve their chances of obtaining a grant in future DAP rounds is as follows:

1. Submissions must be made on DAP online application forms only.

  • Submissions must be made using the DAP online application system created by Australian Embassy in Mongolia. No other paper forms of application will be accepted. Applications for other forms sent to DAP will not be considered.

2. Ensure that all sections of the DAP online application forms are fully completed. To send your application forms, please use the ‘SEND’ button.

  • Application must be short and succinct
  • Explain clearly what the problem is, what your solution is, and exactly how this will be achieved.

3. Please read DAP guidelines carefully

  • salary and other recurrent costs are not eligible and projects that include these items will not be considered.

4. Only submit ONE (1) application for each grant sought.

  • Multiple copies of the same application will not be considered.
  • The selection panel may take into account the considerable time it takes to sort through duplicate applications when making a selection.

5. Applicants should determine whether their proposed activity needs to cooperate with other professional organisations to achieve sustainable outcomes.

  • Where industry/sector peak bodies are relevant but not referenced the application is unlikely to be successful.
  • For example, a health project covering a particular issue must demonstrate that the relevant experts/professional organisation have been consulted.

6. Applications must address long-term sustainability

  • If equipment purchases are included in proposals, assurances that the equipment can be properly used and maintained must be provided.
  • Proposed activities must be broader than the purchase of equipment only.

7. For-profit organisations are not eligible under DAP.


Please note that due to the large number of proposals received unsuccesssful applicants will not be notified.


Projects selected in 2017-18


Project name: “Expanding MACA’s cricket outreach pilot project” (sports for development)

Implementing Organisation: Mongolian Amateur Cricket Association NGO (website:

Project description: This project will promote cricket as a friendly team sport through developing competitions between six state schools and two international schools, as well as through holding two summer camps. 


Project name: “Research into HPV vaccine in Mongolia” (public health)

Implementing Organisation: National Cancer Council of Mongolia NGO (

Project description: The project will complete the collection of data on the impact of HPV vaccine on young girls aged 19-20 years across five regions. Based on the research, communication materials will be developed and disseminated throughout Mongolia to raise awareness and inform policy to help reduce or prevent cervical cancer in Mongolia 


Project name: “Ensuring Meaningful Participation of Adolescent Boys to End Gender Based Violence” (preventing domestic violence)

Implementing Organisation: Strong Boys club ( )

Project description: The project aims to teach boys about preventing gender-based violence. Social workers at nine state schools will be trained to assist and empower boys to identify and prevent violence. Each school’s boys club will develop publicity campaigns to raise awareness of domestic violence issues.


Project name: “Mongolian Village Tannery” (agriculture)

Implementing Organisation: Family Agricultural Resources Mongolia NGO

Project description: This project will support 27 vulnerable households in Uvurkhangai province to engage in village scale tannery and improve the tanning and leather processing. The project will enable income generation through improved animal skin processing.


Project name: “Right4Health Conference” (human rights)

Implementing Organisation: LGBT Center NGO (website:

Project description: This project will organise a health and human rights conference and associated health provider educational activities in Ulaanbaatar and regional centres in Mongolia. The conference will be the first step in developing improved health care for the LGBTI community.


Project name: “Publishing books in Braille for blind and visually impaired children” (disability inclusiveness)

Implementing Organisation: Mongolian National Federation of the Blind

Project description: The project will develop and print books in braille for blind and visually impaired children of primary school age.


Project name: “Futures without Violence” (preventing domestic violence)

Implementing Organisation: National Center Against Violence NGO (

Project description: The project will strengthen the capacity of one of the very few domestic shelters in Ulaanbaatar and their staff members to better protect women and children from domestic violence. The project will repair and upgrade the shelter, train staff, and provide vocational and skills-based training for victims.


Project name: “Together for Children” (health)

Implementing Organisation: Army Central Hospital’s Children’s Department

Project description: The project will strengthen the services and capacity of the Children’s Department of the Army Hospital through renovating facilities, providing additional beds, providing medical equipment, and training medical staff.


Project name: “Magic Bricks” (environment: waste management)

Implementing Organisation: Khangarid Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (

Project description: The project will train 20 low-income single mothers from Tsagaan Davaa landfill site and Nalaikh districts to manufacture paper bricks from recycled paper and cardboard and organize workshops. The paper bricks have been proven to be a good source of fuel for heating, helping to reduce pollution levels.


Project name: “Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training Course” (public health)

Implementing Organisation: Sukhbaatar Province Central Hospital (

Project description: The project will improve the capacity of the hospital to treat cardiac illness. The hospital will undertake training for doctors and nurses in cardiac resuscitation and purchase equipment including specialised mannequins  to be used in training.


Projects selected in 2016-17


Project name: “Hope for the Future Project” (agriculture)

Implementing Organisation: Family Agricultural Resources Mongolia NGO (website:

Project description: This project will support 25 vulnerable female headed households in Uvurkhangai province to engage in vegetable production for sustainable livelihood and food security. 


Project name: Human Papilloma Virus in Mongolia (public health)

Implementing Organisation: National Cancer Council of Mongolia NGO (

Project description: The project will expand the collection of data on the impact of HPV vaccine on young girls of 19-20 years in Selenge and Umnugobi provinces. The activity will raise awareness and inform policy to help reduce or prevent cervical cancer in Mongolia 


Project name: “Improving Public Services through CheckMyService Mobile Application” (governance)

Implementing Organisation: Democracy Education Center NGO ( )

Project description: The project aims to improve transparent communications between citizens and Ulaanbaatar city administration to improve public services through piloting a new mobile application that enables feedback on service delivery.


Project name: “Providing Rights of Wellbeing and Playing Basketball to Local Youth Project”(sport)

Implementing Organisation: Trainer of Basketball B-TOBB Club NGO

Project description: The project will build basketball courts, provide sports clothing and equipment and establish basketball competitions for children from poor and vulnerable households in remote areas of Khentii province.   


Project name: “Expanding Paper Craft Production Using Wasted Newspapers Project” (disability inclusive income generation)

Implementing Organisation: Mongolian National Association for Wheelchair Users (

Project description: The project supports fifty mobility impaired women who use wheelchairs as well as women who have mobility-impaired children who use wheelchairs. The project will train these women in business management and develop skills in making items out of recycled newspapers, providing economic independence and sustainable income generation for their families..


Project name: “Partners for Protection Network Project” (domestic violence)

Implementing Organisation: National Center Against Violence NGO (

Project description: The project will strengthen the capacity of organisations and their staff members to better protect women and children from domestic violence. 


Project name: “Engage Future Stewards of Conservation by Developing a Junior Ranger Program in Gateway Communities of Lake Khuvsgul National Park Project” (environment)

Implementing Organisation: Mongol Ecology Center NGO (

Project description: The project will protect the environment in Khuvsgul National park through educating students from schools in Khatgal and Khankh villages and engaging them as “rangers”. The National Park is a strategically important water and biodiversity area in Mongolia.


Project name: “Greenways Waste and Recycling Education Center” (environment: waste management)

Implementing Organisation: Khangarid Rotary Club ( in partnership with KESAB Australian

Project description: The project will train teachers and students at School 9 and at the National Education University in Ulaanbaatar in environmental protection and recycling. Waste recycling centres will be built at both institutions.


Project name: “Establishment of the Classroom for Orientation in Surroundings at School for Visually Impaired and Blind Children” (disability)

Implementing Organisation:  School 116 for Visually Impaired and Blind Children Nationwide

Project description: The project will build a classroom at School 116 to teach blind children how to navigate when they walk around Ulaanbaatar. This special room will help improve safety for blind children.


Project name: “Enhancing the Capacity of Mongolian Scouts to Support Youth Project” (youth empowerment)

Implementing Organisation: The Scout Association of Australia (website:

Project description: The project will construct an open air shelter at the Mongolian Scout Camp Grounds in Mongolia and promote partnership between Australian and Mongolian scouts.