Australian Embassy

Past Events

Fifth Australia-Mongolia Defence talks held in Ulaanbaatar

15-16 November 2018

Ulaanbaatar.The 5th Australia-Mongolia Bilateral Defence Talks were successfully held during 15-16 November 2018. The talks were co-chaired by Director for Strategic Policy and Planning of the Mongolian Ministry of Defence, Brigadier G. Saikhanbayar, and Director for North — East Asia of the International Policy Division of the Australian Department of Defence, Ms K. Radford.

The talks reviewed the progress and strength of the bilateral cooperation in the Defence sector of the two countries and set the targets for 2019. Prior to the talks, the Australian Delegation also met with the Vice Minister of Defence of Mongolia, Mr. T Dulamdorj, who reflected on the growing closeness of the Defence relationship between the two countries.



Eight organizations received Direct Aid Program Funding for FY 2018-2019

24 August 2018

Ulaanbaatar. Eight out of 197 applicants for Australia’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) will receive small grants in 2018-2019.  These successful applicants represent a wide range of organisations from central to local levels focusing on health and emergency services, human rights and youth development through sport. 

The successful eight organisations will implement the following activities: 

  1. The National Emergency Management Agency will pioneer the establishment of volunteer firefighting groups in the soums of Selenge and Khentii provinces and provide training and tools and equipment. 
  2. MDG-1, the Collaborating Centre on Emergency, Essential Surgical Care at the National University of Medical Sciences will train local doctors and nurses at Khanbogd InterSoum Hospital, Umnugovi Province in emergency surgical, trauma and obstetric cases.  The project will contribute to the Integrated Support Program for Health of People in Umnugovi, an innovative Public Private Partnership between the Australian Embassy, UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, the Oyu Tolgoi Gobiin-Oyu Fund, Mongolian national and local government agencies and NGOs.
  3. A project by the Department of Health of Umnugovi Province will improve access to mobile primary health services to residents in Khanbogd and Khurmen soums.  Ultrasound imaging, electrocardiography, blood pressure monitoring and rapid tests will be made to screen for common diseases and promote maternal and child health. This project also forms a component of the Integrated Support Program for Health of People in Umnugovi.
  4. The Mongolian Gender Equality Centre will train social workers, health professionals and police officers in Orkhon and Selenge provinces to assist a coordinated fight against gender-based violence and deliver comprehensive assistance to victims of the crimes.
  5. The Central Hospital of Khuvsgul Province will implement a project to reduce the incidence of child burns by increasing awareness of parents and public and increase access and quality of emergency health services for children with burns through training for doctors and nurses.
  6. The project will ensure that 2200 residents of the Durvuljin soum in Zavkhan province will no longer need to travel to the provincial centre or the capital city for basic medical tests.  The hospital in the soum will be able to provide general blood and urine analysis and a neonatal bed for infants. 
  7. The LGBTI Centre will implement comprehensive advocacy campaigns aimed at ending discrimination against minorities based on sexual preference.
  8. Noyon Sports Club will establish volleyball courses at six secondary schools in Ulaanbaatar for 120 children with a disability and from disadvantaged families. The club will train 18 teachers in tools and approaches for working with children with special needs.


Melbourne Cup in Mongolia

1 November 2016

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. On Tuesday, 1 November 2016, Australian Embassy in Ulaanbaatar observes the Melbourne Cup for the first time in Mongolia. Melbourne Cup is Australia’s annual horse racing tournament that is equivalent of Mongolia’s Naadam.

Melbourne Cup is said as an event that stops the nation. It is as exciting and culturally important for Australians as Naadam is for Mongolians. The event is all about fashion, food and entertainment.  As horse lovers and famous for its riding skills, many Mongolians have been to the Melbourne Cup. 

“During my first meeting with Mr Sergelen Purev, the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Light Industries, we discussed about a number of topics including horse racing and Naadam. It was apparent that there is a need to introduce international standard of horse racing to Mongolia, addressing jockey’s safety, as well as bringing Mongolian horses, trainers and riders into international tournaments such as Melbourne Cup,” said Mr John Langtry, Australian Ambassador to Mongolia. “Organising horse racing at an international standard bolsters economic growth, promotes not only safety of the riders, spectators and the horses, but also tourism industry of the country. While keeping our glorious history and nomadic lifestyle, Mongolia can also successfully adopt international development and apply latest technological advances into the industry,” said Minister Sergelen Purev.

About Melbourne Cup

The Victoria Race Club has been organising what is known today “Melbourne Cup” since as early as 1840s. More than 100 thousand spectators arrive at the venue and over 3 million people watch the tournament on television.  AUD6.2 million are offered to the top 10 horses, the winner receiving a trophy and $3.2 million and the tenth horse gets $125,000 and a trophy.  Find out more at:


Embassy Hosted Alumni Reception at Monet

16 September 2016

Ulaanbaatar. Over one hundred Mongolians representing the Parliament of Mongolia, government agencies, public and private sector gather on 16 September 2016.  What unifies them is that they are Australians by Education.

Since 1993, over 400 Mongolians studied in Australia under the Australia Awards Scholarship. Currently, a thousand more Mongolians study in Australia by funding their own education. After the U.S.A, Australia is the second largest English-speaking destination for Mongolian students. On the occasion of the fifth Australia Future Unlimited Education Exhibition (AFUEE), which takes place in Shangri La hotel on 17 September 2016, the Australian Embassy in Mongolia opens up the opportunity to join the “Australia Global Alumni” network not only for Mongolians who studied in Australia with Australian government scholarship but also for Mongolians who privately funded their studies.

“The first and foremost benefit joining is the global networking and continuous learning,” said MP Enkhbold Nyamaa, President of Mozzies, the Mongolian Association of Australian Alumni. Zoljargal Nyamjav, an AAS graduate said “Through this network, I can connect with former classmates who studied resource economics with me in the Australian National University and find out what they are doing in Chile or Nigeria.”

Education is Australia’s second largest export after mining, contributing AUD18 billion to the country’s GDP per year. In the past 60 years, 2.5 million international students have studied in Australia.

The Australia Global Alumni Network booth will be open at the fifth AFUEE. Those who are interested in studying in Australia will have access to the expanding community of global Australian alumni including Mongolians upon their return.

Those who are interested in joining the Australia Global Alumni Network should register at or join “Australia Global Alumni” at LinkedIn.


Ambassador hosted a reception for Australian and Mongolian doctors

15 August 2016

Ulaanbaatar.  On Monday 15 August 2016, Ambassador John Langtry hosted a reception for an Australian specialist medical team from Interplast and their Mongolian counterparts including the directors and doctors of the Mongolian Society of Anaesthetists and Burns Department, National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Centre.

Guests included the Mongolian Health Minister, Mrs Tsogtsetseg Ayush, the Executive Director of the National Cancer Council, Mrs Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh, the Regional Director of Communicable Diseases, Western Pacific Region, WHO, Mr Marc Jacobs, British Ambassador Catherine Arnold and Canadian Ambassador Ed Jager.

Health Minister A.Tsogtsetseg highlighted the importance of sharing knowledge and training Mongolian doctors in burns management and plastic and reconstructive surgery. She thanked the Australian doctors for their dedication and hard work. Ambassador John Langtry said “Australia and Mongolia can learn from each other not only in delivering emergency and trauma medical services but also reaching out to patients with burns and offering health services in remote areas.”

Alongside the Australian team, Mongolian doctors at the National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Hospital and Khuvsgul United Hospital will perform surgery on Mongolians who suffer from burns and learn the latest methods in plastic and reconstructive surgery, anaesthetics and burns treatment.

The Interplast team of doctors will visit the Khuvsgul United Hospital in Murun from Wednesday 17 to Saturday 20 August 2016 and the Burns Department of the National Trauma and Orthopaedic Outreach Centre in Ulaanbaatar from Monday 22 to Thursday 25 August 2016.

In addition to the support provided by Interplast, the Australian Embassy currently supports the National Cancer Council in their efforts to fight cancer, in particular in their efforts to study the impact of HPV vaccinations in Mongolia, the Mongolian National Centre for Communicable Diseases in their efforts to diagnose and treat STIs and HIV/AIDS, the LGBT Centre to develop a health strategy focussed on the particular needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and intersexed community, the Mongolian National Rehabilitation Centre to assist primary care givers for people with a disability, the Universal Progress/Independent Living Centre, to empower people with disabilities and improve their standard of living and the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind to improve services for the vision impaired.


Australian Ambassador handed over his credentials to the President of Mongolia

22 December 2015

Ulaanbaatar. Australia's first resident Ambassador to Mongolia, Mr John Langtry presented credentials to His Excellency Mr Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia on 22 December 2015. The Ambassador's Introductory remarks are as follows:

It is a great honour to be appointed as Australia’s first resident Ambassador to Mongolia. I look forward to building upon the strong relationship between Mongolia and Australia. We share democratic values. We both want our economies to prosper. We both value education highly. We both have shared interests in a rules-based regional order.

I look forward to working with, the over 50, Australian organisations and business already partnering with Mongolian business and welcoming the participation of many more. I am pleased that over 400 Mongolian scholarship students have graduated from Australian universities and have brought their skills and experiences (and a love for new sports and culture) back home. I look forward to meeting many of these graduates and hearing about their experiences in Australia.

2016 will be a busy year for our Embassy team. We will open a new permanent chancery later in the year. We will do everything we can to support the ASEM meeting of world leaders to Ulaanbaatar. We will continue to work hard on investment relations.

I thank the Government of Mongolia for all its work in assisting us to establish the Australian Embassy here before the end of 2015. I look forward to developing close relations with the Government, to getting to know Australia’s many friends in Mongolia, and to learning more about the history and culture of this wonderful country.

John Langtry

Australia's Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Mongolia